Shannon Puckett is a former teacher who has made a documentary film that you might be interested in seeing. The film is centered around a school in Alameda (Chipman Middle School) where she began her career as a teacher. It shows the rise and fall of an amazing school where the focus on social and emotional learning, hands on curriculum and project based assessments wasn't enough to satisfy the state's testing requirements. After a decade of trying to raise test scores while still holding onto the culture the teachers had worked so hard to create, the school eventually closed and a charter school opened in its place.
She interviewed former students and teachers who tell the story of this school and talk about how those years at Chipman are some of the best of their lives. Through interviews with leaders in the field of education, we see how the story of Chipman is an all too familiar one throughout the US. This film shows what can happen to schools when the wrong people are making decisions about public education.
DEFIES MEASUREMENT was successfully funded by 233 individuals who contributed to its Kickstarter campaign. Linda Darling-Hammond, Diane Ravitch, Anthony Cody and David Berliner are just a few of the experts who appear in the film. In April, Shannon will be discussing the film as part of a panel discussion at the Network for Public Education conference in Chicago.
Below is a link with information on the screening March 5th in Oakland.
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