Monday, March 5, 2012
10 AM: Mass March * Southside Park (6th & T Sts)
11 AM: Rally at the Capitol Building
12:30 PM: Lunch at the Capitol Building
3:30 PM: General Assembly and Nonviolent Direct Action Training to Occupy the Capitol!
5:30 PM: RALLY NORTH STEPS in Solidarity with Occupy the Capitol
Thousands of students, parents, teachers, and workers will flood into Sacramento on Monday, March 5th. How long we stay will be up to you.
Join us to demand that Wall St. and the 1% pay to refund education, jobs, essential services, and a better future!
For more information on the day of action, please visit www.occupyeducationca.org/march5.
For more information about the 5:30 PM rally, please contact the Sacramento Central Labor Council at 916-927-9772.
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