What is causing school "failures"? Why testing is hurting, not helping kids succeed? Who is behind the "education reform" agenda ?
Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
presents a workshop
Sacramento Public Schools in Crisis:
False Promises; Real Solutions
A presentation and panel discussion on the crisis in public education and what activists can do to help prevent the privatization of public education and improve our schools.
Tuesday, May 24 6:30-8:00 PM
Sol Collective
2574 21st St., Sacramento, CA 95818
Panelists include:
Susie Sheilds, parent; Lori Jablonski, high school teacher; Eric Vega, community activist; Carlos Rico, elementary school teacher; Kerri Asbury, special education teacher; Chris Neihuas, community organizer; Kate Lenox, parent of SCUSD gradutes.
Refreshments provided.
RSVP through www.savesacramentopublicschools.org or on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112788095467687
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