Greg Paulo, Richard Launey, Lucinda Luttgen, Larry Miles, & Larry Masuoka
You can email the board at, or mail your letters addressed to:
Board of Education
San Juan Unified School District
3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608
P.O. Box 477, Carmichael, CA 95609-0477
About Our Board
The Board of Education of the San Juan Unified School District welcomes you to be an active part of our district. Public participation and open communication help us understand how you feel about the challenges we face in governing our schools.
The Board of Education has adopted the following vision and mission statements that were developed through the involvement of all segments of our community.
Board Responsibilities
Among its many responsibilities as the official governing body of the school district, the board:
* Hears the views of the public
* Sets district policies and goals
* Decides how to prioritize and spend the district's funds
* Keeps in touch with other school boards and government bodies
* Oversees employee relations
* Approves contracts
* Establishes curriculum and standards
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