What: A silent protest against the Rhee-form of the public education system.
When: Wednesday January 25th 2012 at 5pm.
Where: 828 I Street inside the Sacramento County Main Library's Tsakopolous Library Galleria.
“We need to say it's wrong, and if that doesn't work, engage in direct action, it's time to organize, demonstrate, and agitate…” ~ Diane Ravitch, in Sacramento 1/20/12
Diane Ravitch’s extraordinary visit to Sacramento on Friday left the 3000 people in attendance with a clear message of what those of us who care deeply about public education must do to stand up to and reject the privatization of our schools and the treatment of our children as commodities whose value is measured by “bubble tests.” Michelle Rhee, disgraced former-chancellor of the Washington D.C. public schools and wife of Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, is the standard-bearer of the privateers, raising millions of dollars through her organization, StudentsFirst, from the likes of the Koch Bros and Rupert Murdoch to advance an agenda of union-busting, school vouchers and public school give-aways to private interests. The national headquarters of StudentsFirst happens to be located right here in Sacramento and will soon formally open its offices downtown on K Street above the Rite Aid store.
Michelle Rhee and Kevin Johnson will be hosting a Sacramento “town hall” this coming week, which follows on the heels of similar events they’ve hosted in several other cities around the state. These “town halls” are tightly-orchestrated events, where participants must pre-register with StudentsFirst. Questions are submitted ahead of time in writing and vetted by the hosts. The forum is highly-controlled to guard against alternative views.
The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education, Occupy and Sacramento teachers will be demonstrating at the StudentsFirst “town hall” on Wednesday, January 25th at 5:30 pm. We hope you will consider joining us. Here is the plan:
1. It will be a silent demonstration with demonstrators forming a gauntlet as the demonstrators at UC Davis did following the pepper spraying of students. Michelle Rhee likes to have noisy demonstrators outside her events as it makes her like the lighting rod she is for those who oppose her agenda. Her multi-millionaire funders like it too.
2. If they wish, demonstrators could cover their mouths with masking tape in reference to then-teacher Michelle Rhee’s admitted taping of her students’ mouths shut to keep them quiet in class.
3. Pictures or video/ live streaming of the event will record who is entering the Galleria so we can see if candidates for city council, state office or school board are attending the event. Students First will be handing out a great deal of money in support of candidates who back Rhee’s “education reform” agenda. It is essential that candidates understand that their association with Michelle Rhee and Kevin Johnson will have consequences.
The event starts at 6pm, we want to be in place a half hour to an hour in advance. Please plan to arrive between 5 and 5:30 pm.
What: Silent Demonstration at "A Conversation with Sacramento About Education" Hosted by Michelle Rhee and Kevin Johnson
Where: Tsakopoulos Library Galleria
828 I St. Sacramento (Downtown; across from Cesar Chavez Park)
When: Wednesday January 25, 2012 Arrive between 5-5:30 pm…Event begins at 6:00 pm
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